Sweater Weather: Dancing with Free and Bound Flow

Sweater Weather: Dancing with Free and Bound Flow

Happy New Year!

I don’t know about you, but 2022 did NOT start off the way I dreamed it would. I ended 2021 with a enthusiasm and a plan, ready to jump into action. But 2022 had different plans which included me and the kids getting sick, car trouble, and a rocky return to routine and schedule and organization of any kind.

While I was recovering, the rhythm of our life felt jarring and uneven. At first I was just locked into rest, without the energy or ability to do anything but lie down. When I started to feel better I would have a burst of productivity, followed by the need to sit down for a long time. The stop-start-stop-start was so frustrating and made it feel like it took more work to do even the simplest things.

It’s really made me think about the need to create better systems and routines for myself and my family so that we have more ease in our lives.

Actually, it reminded me of the dance concepts of FLOW and ENERGY.

10 Simple Ways to Dance more with your Kids

10 Simple Ways to Dance more with your Kids

Maybe you want to be more active with the kids in your life.

Maybe you need some new ideas for encouraging cooperation or organization or FUN!

Maybe transitions are hard or… boring.

Maybe you know that a strong movement foundation sets kids up for learning in school.

Whatever your reason - you know you want to dance more. But… you don’t even know where to start.

Which is why I want to share 10 super EASY ways for you to get started…

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Ears: a hack for engaging (and re-engaging) your students' attention

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Ears: a hack for engaging (and re-engaging) your students' attention

Captivating the attention of a group of young children is no small feat. And it doesn’t matter how big or small the group is (I once had a class of 3 girls who ran circles around me for weeks). If you aren’t keeping things interesting, their minds wander off. It’s age appropriate. Actually, it’s human appropriate.

But there are ways to keep re-engaging your students…

Wild Horses: How to engage students' imaginations AND maximize classroom management in dance

Wild Horses: How to engage students' imaginations AND maximize classroom management in dance

Kids LOVE to play pretend. They especially love to pretend to be animals. Which makes animal imagery a great tool in dance class to get them engaged and participating with enthusiasm. But sometimes you add an animal activity to your lesson plan, imagining your students transforming into light, graceful butterflies and strong, fierce tigers only to have this happen:

They All Fall Down: Creative Dance for practicing Balance

Years ago I had a student who was constantly falling down in class. On purpose. Every time I asked the pre-ballet class to do an arabesque, balancing on one leg with the other stretched out in a straight line behind them, this student tumbled to the ground. And then the other kids laughed. And she laughed. And I got frustrated. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

I was much newer to teaching then. I spent so much time and energy trying to gain control of the situation with very little success. If I were to teach that class today, my approach would be completely different. How?

The key to finding more time to dance

The key to finding more time to dance

Do you dance daily?

I do. But it’s not what you might think. In fact, if you had asked me a month ago if I danced daily, I would’ve said “No, but I wish I did.” Or “I’m trying to but sometimes I miss days or weeks before getting back to it.”

I imagined myself renting studio space or taking online classes or at least doing a long luxurious BrainDance every morning. And while I still have goals to do those things more often, feeling like I was failing at dancing daily because I wasn’t doing those things was holding me back from actually dancing more.