Dance concepts

The key to finding more time to dance

The key to finding more time to dance

Do you dance daily?

I do. But it’s not what you might think. In fact, if you had asked me a month ago if I danced daily, I would’ve said “No, but I wish I did.” Or “I’m trying to but sometimes I miss days or weeks before getting back to it.”

I imagined myself renting studio space or taking online classes or at least doing a long luxurious BrainDance every morning. And while I still have goals to do those things more often, feeling like I was failing at dancing daily because I wasn’t doing those things was holding me back from actually dancing more.

Not one of "those" classes

Not one of "those" classes

Years ago, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a post from a parent asking for recommendations for dance classes for her 3 year old. “But”, she said, “not one of those classes where they just ask them to pretend to be butterflies. I don’t want to pay for that. She can do that at home.”

Now, I’m the first to admit that not all dance classes are created equal. But this comment got me fired up. Asking 3 year olds to pretend to be butterflies… or any other animal for that matter… is one of the BEST ways to teach kids about their bodies, dance, and the world around them.