Autumn has been particularly enjoyable for me this year. I don’t know if it’s because I made a personal goal to walk more, which has made me more aware of the changing leaves. Or if it’s because last fall I was snuggled up with a newborn and my memories are a blur from lack of sleep. But something about the leaves changing this year feels particularly magical.
I was all set to sit down and write a fall activity about the leaves (I know, I know… in September I said I wasn’t going to write about leaves again but I just find them SO INSPIRING for dancing!) when I checked the weather for today.
“Hey Google, what’s the weather today?”
“The weather is... Rain… and snow.”
What? Rain AND snow?! In the same day?!
So I was going to share an activity about leaves today. But instead I’m sharing an activity about leaves… AND snowflakes. You can use Part 1 in the fall and Part 2 in the winter. Or you can use both parts on those transitional days like today - where it’s a little bit of both seasons all at once.
Leaf and/or Snowflake Dance
Concept: Body Shapes & Energy
Part 1: Leaf Dance
“Dancers, pretend you are a leaf. Think about the shape and design of your leaf and move your body into that shape. What parts are curved? Which parts are straight? Is your leaf twisted? Are there parts that are angular? Try out different shapes until you find one that is the perfect fit. Look around the room at all the leaves. Notice which ones are symmetrical - they are the same shape on both sides. Notice which ones are asymmetrical - the left side is different from the right side. Now, hold onto your shape as you feel a soft breeze. The breeze makes your body sway smoothly from side to side. Then the breeze catches you and carries you gently through the air. You continue floating through the sky, passing in between other leaves. Then, suddenly, the wind gets stronger. It blows you sharply to the left and then to the right and then to the left. It’s zigzagging you all over the place. It tosses you up and then down, changing directions over and over without giving you a chance to settle. It’s taking you on a wild ride through the sky when - just as suddenly as it picked up, the wind calms back down again. You return to a long, smooth floating movement that takes you across the sky. The breeze is slowing and slowing and as it does you glide lower and lower through the air, until you land in your leaf shape on the ground. You rest a moment and take a few deep breaths, observing your shape. Are you the same shape as when you started? Or has the wind changed you?”
Part 2: Snowflake Dance
“Dancers, pretend you are a snowflake. Think about the shape and design of your leaf and make your body match the shape in your imagination. Maybe your snowflake has parts that are angular or straight. Maybe it has parts that are curved. Maybe it has a special spot that is twisted. Try out different shapes until you find one that is the perfect fit. Look around the room at all the snowflakes. Notice which ones are symmetrical - they are the same shape on both sides. Notice which ones are asymmetrical - the left side is different from the right side. Now, hold onto your shape as you feel the chill in the air. You are resting calmly inside a big, fluffy winter cloud when the cloud decides to drop you into the cold, winter air. You are soft and light and begin to float smoothly down, down, down toward the ground. A gentle wind blows you easily to one side and you glide through the sky. Then it changes direction and you slide through the sky in a different direction, swirling around as you go. You are enjoying this smooth winding ride when suddenly a fierce gust of strong wind blows. It’s cold and even though you are a snowflake, it makes you shiver! You can tell this is going to be a big adventure and you are right! The wind blows you sharply, changing your directions over and over and over again. You are going up… and then down… forward… and then backward… right… and then left. You pass other snowflakes quickly, hardly seeing them before you are zigzagged away again. Then, just as quickly as it appeared, the fierce, strong wind disappears, and you return to your gentle, smooth swirl, floating down, down down. Your speed slows until you gently land in your snowflake shape on the ground. You rest a moment and take a few deep breaths, observing your shape. Are you the same shape as when you started? Or has the wind changed you?”
PS - Last month’s Haunted House Hop post was a HUGE it! I’m so excited to share that MORE dance stories will be available in December. Details on how to get them will be sent to email subscribers first, so if you love using stories for dance - make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter!