Tuesdays 7-8pm
@ Tribe, 1819 W Belmont Ave
*Teens welcome
mindfulness in motion
Do you have a super secret list of self-care items that never quite make it (or never get checked off) your actual to-do list? Then this is the class for you.
This soothing one hour class is one part motivational coaching, one part relaxation and one part meditative dance party. We'll set an intention for the class and alternate between time in stillness, guided movement/dance, and journaling exercises - all focused around that intention.
Come to clear your mind, move your body, and center your soul. You'll leave feeling refreshed & more self-aware (physically & mentally) - plus you'll gain clarity on how to bring these feelings into your week and an action step (or two) to move you closer to your desires.
Wear comfortable clothing & bring a journal.
Fridays 2-3pm
@Rast Ballet, 1803 W Byron, Suite 201
*Teens welcome
Creativity In motion
Get your creativity on in this dance & movement class designed for you experience the freedom of self-expression. We'll explore elements of rhythm, space, energy and time using fundamental dance steps and creative dance concepts. Feel your body unwind, move at your own pace and have fun rediscovering the art of playfulness. We'll even use props (like scarves and hula hoops) to find new ways to move in independent and group activities. This class is perfect if you love dancing in your living room, need a more inspiring way to exercise, are looking to get more connected to your body, or want to step outside your comfort zone.